Discover Our Company

PT. Wahana Datarindo Sempurna

Is an established in 198, is an Information Technology's Company. We provide business & industrial IT Solutions as Hardware Business Partner/Distributor and Software Application. We also as a System Integrator, give solutions, support and services to customer needs in ecosystem such as Smart Technology-Green Energy (Solar Cells).

And also Our Vision as a Top Quality nationwide provider in IT Solutions.

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450,000 client’s interactions!


We provide IT & Business solutions

We provide end-to-end IT solutions, from infrastructure setup to maintenance, ensuring your technology supports your business objectives.


Maintenance Services

Regular upkeep and repairs to keep your systems running smoothly and prevent downtime.


Professional Services

Expert consulting, project management, and training tailored to your business needs.


Technical Support

24/7 assistance for software, hardware, and system issues to ensure seamless operations.

Happy Clients
Finished Projects
Skilled Experts
Our Product

Quality Products for Your Business

Contact us

You can connect with us when need help!

Office Location

Jl. Kemang Timur No. 86, Jakarta Selatan


(021) 7183757


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    31 July

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    31 July

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    31 July

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